
CDL Defense
Practice Details

We will defend your Commercial Driver License and your livelihood.

Edwards County, TX CDL Defense

CDL Defense Within Jurisdiction of Edwards County

Do you have a commercial driver’s license (CDL) and need to defend it against a revocation, suspension or disqualification originating in Edwards County? If you drive for a living as a commercial driver, you may need to defend your license from time to time. If so, you need experienced and professional legal representation as soon. You know how important it is to protect your CDL. Without your CDL, you can’t drive for a living. With so much at risk, it’s extremely important to have a qualified CDL legal professional on your side to protect your ability to make a living.

CDL Defense vs. CDL Violations

The Law Office of Todd E, Tkach, P.C. provides both CDL Defense as well as CDL Violations. Edwards County CDL Defense will provide legal assistance in hearings for revocation, suspension or disqualification. If any of these actions are attempted, you will have a right to a hearing and we will represent you in that hearing to defend your CDL

Our CDL Violation Practice will provide legal defense against any citation (ticket) for any violation. One of the ways to not face a revocation, suspension or disqualification action is to vigorously defend any citation you receive. Convictions of CDL traffic violations will quickly put a CDL holder’s driving privileges and employment at risk. Entering the wrong plea in court to a CDL violation can result in a suspension and termination from employment.

With so much on the line for CDL Defense and CDL Violations, why take the risk? Hire a CDL violation lawyer who has the experience, knowledge and skills to protect your very valuable CDL.

CDL Violations in Addison Jurisdictions

Federal and State laws forbid Texas courts from offering CDL holders any plea agreement to avoid a conviction. Under these conditions, success would seem impossible. But, a well-qualified CDL defense and violation attorney can give you a fighting chance. There are options. Our experience and knowledge of the law put us in an advantageous position to achieve our goal with your case; dismissal or no effect on your CDL record! We’ve handled thousands of CDL traffic citations; the majority of which resulted in dismissals and/or no adverse effect to our clients’ CDL driving records.

CDL Holders Are Unique and Have Unique Legal Needs For Defense and Violations

CDL holders are quite unique; not only for the qualifications required to obtain and hold a commercial driver’s license but also for the high standards to which they are held by traffic law enforcement. CDL holders are well aware that their livelihoods depend on maintaining an active and valid CDL. Receiving traffic violations can quickly put CDL holders in serious jeopardy of losing their jobs, either because the licensing authority suspends their CDLs or their insurance companies refuse to insure them. If you get a CDL violation in Addison or almost any other jurisdiction in Texas, don't take a chance. Hire the Law Office of Todd E. Tkach, P.C. to protect your license and your livelihood.

Why you need an Edwards County CDL violation attorney

Without an experienced Addison CDL violation ticket lawyer working to protect your ability to make a living, you may not be aware of other options available to you for your case. The Addison CDL violation attorneys with Todd E. Tkach, P.C. will aggressively pursue a dismissal of the charges. If necessary, we’ll take your case to trial. Additionally, if you are ultimately convicted of a serious violation, we may be able to appeal your conviction.

We cover almost all jurisdictions in Texas for CDL Defense

CDL Revocation, Suspension or Disqualification

In addition to defending you for your CDL violations, we can also defend your CDL itself in any revocation, suspension or disqualification action almost anywhere in the State of Texas. For further information, see the pages linked below.

For information about defending your CDL Violations, also see Our CDL Violations Practice.

The Differences Between CDL Revocations, Suspensions and Disqualifications

Serve Almost All Courts In Texas

CDL Revocation, Suspension and Disqualification Procedures and Possible Punishments

Why You Need a CDL Defense Attorney

Causes of CDL Revocation, Suspension or Disqualification Procedures

Texas Point System and CDL Revocation, Suspension or Disqualification

Dangerous Myths About Suspensions and Disqualifications

CDL Drivers: Don’t Let Them Take Away Your Livelihood!

CDL Defense

Don't let them take away your CDL and livelihood!

If you don't actively contest any Revocation, Suspension or Disqualification, you could have your CDL taken away and with it, your ability to earn a living.

Other Edwards County CDL Defense Pages


Our CDL video library

Please explore our video library about CDL violations.

See Our Entire Library of Traffic Ticket Videos

Coming Soon!


Protect your ability to earn a living

The penalties for CDL violation are tough in the State of Texas. You need experienced representation to protect your license.

Proudly serving Texas for over 25 years

From our Dallas office, we handle cases in all its 3,606 courts.

Defending Commercial Driver Licenses across across all of Texas


The Law Office of Todd E. Tkach, P.C.

A full-service law firm for all of your CDL needs:
CDL violations defense and CDL license defense.
Serving almost all courts in Texas


See All Courts Served in Texas